The EasyTouch Control System eliminates the inconvenience of trips to your pool equipment pad, memorizing operating sequences, opening and closing valves and resetting time clocks and thermostats. With push-button operation and clear, intuitive instructions and displays, your EasyTouch system includes all circuitry and fully programmable controls in a single Load Center installed near your pool or spa equipment. This avoids expensive wiring and installation costs to make an EasyTouch system affordable for any budget.
With automatic control of heating, lighting, water features and more you will be able to sit back and enjoy your backyard paradise. With customized programming of unlimited on/off times and activation of multiple pieces of equipment with OneTouch you are able to manage your backyard environment with ease.
Imagine your spa at the perfect temperature when you arrive home from a long day at work. Your swimming pool and spa are your own private paradise and the Jandy AquaLink RS Control System puts that paradise at your fingertips.
With recent software enhancements to the OneTouch Control System, you can now save energy by activating seasonal adjustments, automatically optimizing your filtration and purification based on seasonal needs. Hand over control of your sprinklers to the OneTouch Control System for a more powerful and easy to use interface and a superior way to water your yard.
Tired of turning valves and trying to figure out how to use your pool every time you want to use it? Let Family Pools Install an automation system in your new pool and or spa or add one to your existing pool and or spa. We can handle the installation of all types of pools and spas. Family Pools has the experience to recommend the proper system to integrate with home automation system also. We are a one stop shop that will get it done and right the first time. Here is one of many systems we offer. Call for you free evaluation or use our contact form.